

“The program Baby Think it Over being run by Christina is so well received by our students that I have had students choose one course over another purely because they had the opportunity to participate in the program, and did not want to miss out.”                            

 Colleen Piano

Ashdale Secondary College


Art in the Park-Testimonial Page

"I enjoyed getting involved in a group activity, getting out of my comfort zone."                                           

Sian Le Breton    

  Private Client                                     

 “It was amazing!”                                            “I enjoyed everything.”                                          "It was awesome."                                              

      Ellie Todd                                                                     Nathan Pham                                                          Isobel Boyce 

 Mission Australia                                                              Red Cross                                                            Private Client 

Dear Christina,

 My name is Hannah, I'm not sure if you remember me as I barely uttered a word, but I went to Art YO’ in October 2013 and it was really one of the best things I have done. I am just emailing to tell you that, now I've turned 18 and I'm off to uni, I've made it my New Years resolution; or just something I know I need to do, to thank people who have had a positive impact on my life. So thank you so much for the support and guidance you gave me in my short time there… My anxiety has been so much better lately though, I've been seeing a psychologist recently which I think has helped a bit, but mainly I've just had a positive attitude. I try to think to myself, in the long time it takes me to worry about thanking someone, or say no to someone, or even speaking to them, I could have felt good, felt stronger or made a new friend. As promised I've also kept up with my art, and draw regularly now. I'm going to uni in February to study film and creative writing, which I'm really excited for. Anyway, I just wanted to once again thank you so much for everything you did and said to help me in Art YO’. I really really appreciated it. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year. 

 Love from Hannah”   

Art Therapy Student, Hannah Matthes


“We would like to thank you for doing such a splendid job with the girls who attended the Rock What Ya Got! group. They really enjoyed it as you know and would like to have continued. It has been a pleasure working with you Christina, you are very professional and passionate about what you do and I look forward to us working with you again in the future.”

Jillian Betts

Minnawarra House


baby think it over1


"I think it's a good program and can help teenagers in the future by using protection and avoiding sexual contact. Babies are very loud and a lot of work. I think lots of girls should try this program."


St Mark’s Anglican Community School


"It definitely affected my beliefs and attitudes about unplanned pregnancy. I can now see how hard it is to look after a baby. I will make sure I do not have an unplanned pregnancy."


Greenwood College


"This program has shown me the truth about caring for a baby and the challenges that come along with it."


Irene McCormack Catholic College





"I now know how to deal with sexual situations with my children as well as myself"

 Young Mother



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